Meet Grant: The Only Person Designed to Survive a Career in Advertising
As a Melbourne Advertising and Creative committee member, one of the Chrises co-wrote a tribute film to the much-awarded TAC Meet Graham campaign to promote its annual award show. ‘Meet Grant: The Only Person Designed to Survive a Career in Advertising’ draws attention to the many strains and stresses of this unforgiving industry, proving as ever that there is no substitute for an original thought, except parodying someone else.
Meet Grant was Editor's Pick on AdAge and Creativity Online, Vimeo Staff pic and paraxodically, received a nod at Oneshow. Watch the film – a spoof of a case film that won many awards, to promote an award show. And then the case study about a parody of a case study.
Meet Grant was Editor's Pick on AdAge and Creativity Online, Vimeo Staff pic and paraxodically, received a nod at Oneshow. Watch the film – a spoof of a case film that won many awards, to promote an award show. And then the case study about a parody of a case study.